Why Work with Me
Racing the 2022 Firecracker 5k, Excelsior, MN, 1st in age group
As an endurance athlete myself, I get it.
It’s difficult to balance our desires to train and perform at our best while maintaining relationships and responsibilities in daily life. But it’s possible, and looks different for each person based on their unique strengths, values, and priorities.
As a well-being and mindset coach, I am here to complement any sport specific coaching or training plan you are following to support you in managing all areas of your life and mindset. This may include topics like sleep, energy management, nutrition, athletic performance, condition management, social support, and mental health.
As a smiley, bubbly person, I’m also a direct communicator, skilled listener, and self-aware, reflective thought leader. I am passionate about simplifying well-being and mindset work, and often use visuals, metaphors, and mantras to help make the intangible more tangible.
For over 12 years I have utilized my education and training in counseling, communication, and facilitation, knowledge of positive psychology, brain science, and behavior change, and experience as an endurance athlete to motivate people and teams while overcoming their challenges, pursuing their goals, and reaching for their potential.
I bring intentionality and inclusivity to my work as a well-being and mindset coach, speaker, and facilitator, striving to leave clients feeling heard, empowered, and supported after interacting with me!